None of our efforts will matter if we don’t convince the people who have the guts to write their leaders and congress that the War on Drugs has failed miserably. We must explain to them that we live in fear, we are forced to hide a part of ourselves, and we just want to be able to use a perfectly harmless herb to de-stress or feel a little better about the messed up world we are forced to live in. We wish to do so without persecution from every angle.
We must be brave enough to write a letter or email to our leaders. They must know what we go through every day. They must understand how senseless this warring attitude is; because most of us (Hemp supporters) are perfectly good productive citizens who just want to have a fun life and a much lower stress level. Hard to do these days, isn’t it?
Let your opinion be known! It’s the only way we will ever get through to our government. Greed and the War on Drugs are destroying our families, our friends, and our self respect as a nation. Write your congressmen (all of them) before its too late. That’s how we saved our National Parks. We got involved. We got angry when big business tried to destroy the most beautiful places on our continent and we spoke up loudly. We sent people to Washington DC. We made a lot of noise. Let’s do it again and reign in Big Money interests. Don’t you think legitimate Hemp industries are a beautiful idea?
Government controls us too much. Let’s take back our government by doing our jobs as our government’s overseers. Write an email! Do your job for America and planet Earth. The World is watching to see when we will finally say “ENOUGH!! THE BEST THING IN AMERICA IS NOT THE MONEY!”
We want to be allowed to grow our own stress relieving, relaxing herbs on our back porch. We promise to do our best to keep our kids out of it. If our leaders would just give us a tiny little piece of our former freedoms back, the world would change overnight. We would stop being so angry and unproductive if we didn’t have Big Brother breathing down our necks at every turn, so much so that we are afraid to even discuss our ideas and opinions. Check out Law Enforcement Against Prohibition for more info from the pros.
We want the farmers to be allowed to grow Hemp to help feed, clothe, and shelter us. We want our planet back and we want the opportunity to prove we can help save her. Many of us want to be small farmers; it is simply not a profitable profession anymore. Hemp grows 12’-20’ every year and it replaces the need for trees in paper production (and the paper from Hemp is stronger. Most Bibles were printed on Hemp paper). Hemp researchers are persecuted and stopped (sometimes accidentally), even though there is very little research being attempted due to the long, destructive arm of our DEA and the blindness of our federal government.
Wouldn’t it be nice to pay your taxes with hemp from your back yard AGAIN? This actually was possible before 1937. Wouldn’t you prefer that Afghanistan and similar countries become more self sufficient with Hemp products instead of Poppies? Before 1937 Hemp was the equivalent of cash. Now it’s tobacco, the killer. Hemp never killed anyone, never will. Why are we still allowing this deadly farce? Let’s all do our job as members of our government and demand sensible debate and change from ALL our leaders now. Things are only getting worse with our silence.
We are tired of watching old growth forests disappear, animal species become extinct, oil spills in sensitive areas, tar and garbage on our beaches, and all sorts of greedy, ignorant misbehavior. We want our government to work for us, the people, not money. The only way to accomplish this is to TELL GOVERNMENT WHAT WE WANT LOUDLY, over and over again if necessary. We must WRITE or EMAIL our leaders. We must stop being afraid to make a difference. It’s the only way!
Feel free to use Ctrl-C (copy) and Ctrl-V (paste) from any of my examples and letters. Please write our leaders. Please. [All this] Insanity [is] making Mongo crazy…. ;?)~
more info and discussions at
Activist news and notes: Farming, Hemp, Education & PBS, Health Care, Governmental Responsibility and Efficiency, Anti-Apathy, Military Support, Community Service & Involvement, Keep Drugs Away From Kids, Take a kid fishing, Global warming & Global issues, Wildlife
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Draft letter to World Leaders (work in progress, comments requested)
To All World Leaders, Great and Small.
I would like the chance to discuss a terrible injustice being continued against the American people and the people of the world, especially the farmers. Does anyone there really see the big picture? I demand the opportunity to prove to you and Americans that almost every problem issue at the forefront of modern times is related to the persecution of the versatile, prolific, malady resistant Cannabis Hemp plant. The fact that you may be snickering or rolling your eyes right now is evidence of the seriousness of this injustice and the outright charade that is used to keep this advantageous cash crop unavailable to Americans and the citizens of Earth.
Here is a partial list of advantages Cannabis Hemp provides:
Ten major industries would flourish with Hemp’s reintroduction.
Food, Healthy Food, Food Oils and protein
Building Materials and Housing
Textiles and fabrics
Pulp Paper and Fiber
Rope, Twine, Cordage
Canvas and Sails, all types
Paints & Varnishes
Industrial Oils, Lubricants
Energy, both Hemp Oil derived and Bio Mass
Medicine, Marijuana has many applications in health and wellness care; nutrition, illness prevention, relief medication for the severely and terminally ill, end of life counseling and therapy applications…………
Smoking, leisure, & creativity (look at amounts spent on killer tobacco)
That’s twelve. What about economic stability worldwide, profit, competition, and free trade? What about the Terrorism and Organized Crime connections to the illegal drug trade? This is a very serious crime being committed against a very seriously beneficial plant, all in the name of profit (or progress, greed, dividends, monopoly, advancement of society, anti-terrorism, McCarthy-ism, whatever you wish to call it). It is purely backwards thinking to laugh at an issue so serious as the Hemp Prohibition issue.
I’m referring to the You Tube clip I watched in which President Obama was discussing problem topics that were popularly requested by the American people. In this clip the President mentions the words ‘Legalize Marijuana’ and everyone in the place seems to snicker, chuckle, or laugh.
Families are being ripped apart by the harsh enforcement of the Marijuana laws alone. Why are people who just want to feel better considered criminals? Why do they feel so bad in the first place? Fear, stress, shame, financial hardship (legal fees, loss of jobs…), deceit (users forced to deceive relatives and society to avoid confrontation or discovery), and suppression of freedom (of choice) are only a few of the maladies that prevail in the current social atmosphere. These maladies lead to sickness, depression, crime, extreme anger toward government leaders and unproductive behavior (‘if the government can act ignorant, petty, and unproductive, so can I’). These detriments to society may only be the tip of the iceberg where the campaign to eradicate Hemp is concerned. Research on these issues seems to be severely lacking. Focus needs to return to the roots of our problems, beginning with the roots of the Cannabis Hemp plant (renamed Marijuana in 1937 by racists, bigots, yellow journalists, and unethical people seeking to increase their profits unfairly and control the public). These unethical people did a fantastic job of demonizing something truly great. Hemp can be provided to us abundantly by the Earth (or God, if you think religiously).
On the subject of God, I personally think God did not make a mistake. The Hemp plant was put here to help humanity survive and prosper, just like his son Jesus. Supposedly another ignorant government wiped Jesus from the face of the Earth and persecuted his followers as well. Why must history always repeat itself? Why must we be so blind to the truth?
I demand more research and open debate on this subject. As an American (natural born) citizen I have the right to demand that my government act responsibly, ethically, and above all, truthfully. None of these traits are evident concerning your treatment of the Hemp/Marijuana issue which is of paramount importance to the entire planet RIGHT NOW.
Most facts were obtained from the book “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” by Jack Herer. Other facts are common knowledge, personal deduction and observation, or were obtained by simple searches on the Internet. The citizens of Earth demand that its leaders re-evaluate this horrible travesty of justice now. I believe farmers should actually sue someone for violations of anti-trust laws currently on the books. It’s too bad they’re too financially burdened to afford to do so. What attorney in their right mind would take a case like theirs ‘pro bono’?
Thank you for your consideration of the needs and rights of the American people and the inhabitants of Earth. I respectfully request prompt attention to this weighty issue.
Mongo (Kevin Lord)
(Speaking loudly for the citizens of Earth who see these truths and understand them, but are afraid)
Please see enclosed note concerning Hemp’s connections to the current health care crisis.
Cannabis Hemp’s connections to Health Care
Michael Roizen, M.D., chief medical officer, Cleveland clinic says the top four behavioral issues adversely affecting wellness care are tobacco, physical activity, food choices, and stress (from PBS Special on the Health Care Crisis). These four aspects of our need for lifestyle changes account for over 75% of our costs of medical care.
Here’s some examples of how I believe they all tie into the debate on Cannabis Hemp and Marijuana prohibition, adversely affecting the industry most needed on the planet, Agriculture. Our farmers ARE the ones who should be growing Hemp and Marijuana, not our criminals.
Food needs –farmer - Unable to grow highly profitable, harmless crop, thereby subsidizing vegetable and herb production. Foods from Hemp are highly nutritious. The crop is prolific, producing high volumes of grains and fibers per acre. There is much evidence of other health benefits pertaining to the consumption of hemp food products.
Tobacco – farmer – depletes soil, kills users, and competes with food production. It's very sad that the one that kills you and rapes the soil is legal; the one that’s good for body and soul is illegal. No discussion allowed. Research suppressed. The subject is taboo. Hemp formerly used in churches, religions worldwide; still used elsewhere for multiple applications.
Note. Phillip Morris stocks would have been the highest producer of wealth if one had bought stock when it was first issued. (
Physical Activity – farmer – chores, maintenance, gather eggs, feed livestock, prepare soil, plant, harvest, caring for family farm, all excellent exercise. Walking, horseback riding, things we used to do before cars and office jobs. Many unemployed persons living in tent cities might even consider a farming career, since things have changed so.
Stress – Hemp is the #1 stress relieving herb, virtually harmful side effect free, yet illegal. Stress of not being able to discuss the invalidity of its illegality with church, public, government, local civic groups or officials, without ridicule or persecution. The stupidity of the law (inspired by racism, corporate greed, monopoly, and unwholesome values) and the refusal of government to listen and fix this problem compound the stress.
American farmer should file antitrust suit against DuPont, Pfizer, etc…. This is monopoly. Evidence and testimony suppressed, farmers and industry not even given opportunity to defend themselves.
I would like the chance to discuss a terrible injustice being continued against the American people and the people of the world, especially the farmers. Does anyone there really see the big picture? I demand the opportunity to prove to you and Americans that almost every problem issue at the forefront of modern times is related to the persecution of the versatile, prolific, malady resistant Cannabis Hemp plant. The fact that you may be snickering or rolling your eyes right now is evidence of the seriousness of this injustice and the outright charade that is used to keep this advantageous cash crop unavailable to Americans and the citizens of Earth.
Here is a partial list of advantages Cannabis Hemp provides:
Ten major industries would flourish with Hemp’s reintroduction.
Food, Healthy Food, Food Oils and protein
Building Materials and Housing
Textiles and fabrics
Pulp Paper and Fiber
Rope, Twine, Cordage
Canvas and Sails, all types
Paints & Varnishes
Industrial Oils, Lubricants
Energy, both Hemp Oil derived and Bio Mass
Medicine, Marijuana has many applications in health and wellness care; nutrition, illness prevention, relief medication for the severely and terminally ill, end of life counseling and therapy applications…………
Smoking, leisure, & creativity (look at amounts spent on killer tobacco)
That’s twelve. What about economic stability worldwide, profit, competition, and free trade? What about the Terrorism and Organized Crime connections to the illegal drug trade? This is a very serious crime being committed against a very seriously beneficial plant, all in the name of profit (or progress, greed, dividends, monopoly, advancement of society, anti-terrorism, McCarthy-ism, whatever you wish to call it). It is purely backwards thinking to laugh at an issue so serious as the Hemp Prohibition issue.
I’m referring to the You Tube clip I watched in which President Obama was discussing problem topics that were popularly requested by the American people. In this clip the President mentions the words ‘Legalize Marijuana’ and everyone in the place seems to snicker, chuckle, or laugh.
Families are being ripped apart by the harsh enforcement of the Marijuana laws alone. Why are people who just want to feel better considered criminals? Why do they feel so bad in the first place? Fear, stress, shame, financial hardship (legal fees, loss of jobs…), deceit (users forced to deceive relatives and society to avoid confrontation or discovery), and suppression of freedom (of choice) are only a few of the maladies that prevail in the current social atmosphere. These maladies lead to sickness, depression, crime, extreme anger toward government leaders and unproductive behavior (‘if the government can act ignorant, petty, and unproductive, so can I’). These detriments to society may only be the tip of the iceberg where the campaign to eradicate Hemp is concerned. Research on these issues seems to be severely lacking. Focus needs to return to the roots of our problems, beginning with the roots of the Cannabis Hemp plant (renamed Marijuana in 1937 by racists, bigots, yellow journalists, and unethical people seeking to increase their profits unfairly and control the public). These unethical people did a fantastic job of demonizing something truly great. Hemp can be provided to us abundantly by the Earth (or God, if you think religiously).
On the subject of God, I personally think God did not make a mistake. The Hemp plant was put here to help humanity survive and prosper, just like his son Jesus. Supposedly another ignorant government wiped Jesus from the face of the Earth and persecuted his followers as well. Why must history always repeat itself? Why must we be so blind to the truth?
I demand more research and open debate on this subject. As an American (natural born) citizen I have the right to demand that my government act responsibly, ethically, and above all, truthfully. None of these traits are evident concerning your treatment of the Hemp/Marijuana issue which is of paramount importance to the entire planet RIGHT NOW.
Most facts were obtained from the book “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” by Jack Herer. Other facts are common knowledge, personal deduction and observation, or were obtained by simple searches on the Internet. The citizens of Earth demand that its leaders re-evaluate this horrible travesty of justice now. I believe farmers should actually sue someone for violations of anti-trust laws currently on the books. It’s too bad they’re too financially burdened to afford to do so. What attorney in their right mind would take a case like theirs ‘pro bono’?
Thank you for your consideration of the needs and rights of the American people and the inhabitants of Earth. I respectfully request prompt attention to this weighty issue.
Mongo (Kevin Lord)
(Speaking loudly for the citizens of Earth who see these truths and understand them, but are afraid)
Please see enclosed note concerning Hemp’s connections to the current health care crisis.
Cannabis Hemp’s connections to Health Care
Michael Roizen, M.D., chief medical officer, Cleveland clinic says the top four behavioral issues adversely affecting wellness care are tobacco, physical activity, food choices, and stress (from PBS Special on the Health Care Crisis). These four aspects of our need for lifestyle changes account for over 75% of our costs of medical care.
Here’s some examples of how I believe they all tie into the debate on Cannabis Hemp and Marijuana prohibition, adversely affecting the industry most needed on the planet, Agriculture. Our farmers ARE the ones who should be growing Hemp and Marijuana, not our criminals.
Food needs –farmer - Unable to grow highly profitable, harmless crop, thereby subsidizing vegetable and herb production. Foods from Hemp are highly nutritious. The crop is prolific, producing high volumes of grains and fibers per acre. There is much evidence of other health benefits pertaining to the consumption of hemp food products.
Tobacco – farmer – depletes soil, kills users, and competes with food production. It's very sad that the one that kills you and rapes the soil is legal; the one that’s good for body and soul is illegal. No discussion allowed. Research suppressed. The subject is taboo. Hemp formerly used in churches, religions worldwide; still used elsewhere for multiple applications.
Note. Phillip Morris stocks would have been the highest producer of wealth if one had bought stock when it was first issued. (
Physical Activity – farmer – chores, maintenance, gather eggs, feed livestock, prepare soil, plant, harvest, caring for family farm, all excellent exercise. Walking, horseback riding, things we used to do before cars and office jobs. Many unemployed persons living in tent cities might even consider a farming career, since things have changed so.
Stress – Hemp is the #1 stress relieving herb, virtually harmful side effect free, yet illegal. Stress of not being able to discuss the invalidity of its illegality with church, public, government, local civic groups or officials, without ridicule or persecution. The stupidity of the law (inspired by racism, corporate greed, monopoly, and unwholesome values) and the refusal of government to listen and fix this problem compound the stress.
American farmer should file antitrust suit against DuPont, Pfizer, etc…. This is monopoly. Evidence and testimony suppressed, farmers and industry not even given opportunity to defend themselves.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Poll: What is your terror/fear level?
Dear President Obama and White House Staff,
I fear for someone I know who either uses Marijuana, is involved with people who use Marijuana, or wants to see the Marijuana & Cannabis Hemp laws re-evaluated. This person wants to possibly re-industrialize hemp, use Marijuana for an illness, relieve stress, take a harmless ‘toke’ occasionally, or maybe they just associate with others who partake of the herb. I am afraid to speak loudly and proudly of my views because of the stigma attached to those who voice their opinion on this matter. I fear being labeled a stoner, criminal, slacker, terrorist, and such. I fear persecution for my beliefs. I believe the War on Drugs has gone too far. I believe the added stress and fear levels involved are negatively affecting the American family.
I would like to see a task force or other study to evaluate the numerous ill effects this ‘War’ campaign is having on the American public. I am stressed. I’m afraid to speak up.
If you agree with this statement, please leave a brief comment stating that you agree. I hope to use ONLY THE NUMBER of responses in my plea to the White House soon. Please do not comment if you truly disagree.
I fear for someone I know who either uses Marijuana, is involved with people who use Marijuana, or wants to see the Marijuana & Cannabis Hemp laws re-evaluated. This person wants to possibly re-industrialize hemp, use Marijuana for an illness, relieve stress, take a harmless ‘toke’ occasionally, or maybe they just associate with others who partake of the herb. I am afraid to speak loudly and proudly of my views because of the stigma attached to those who voice their opinion on this matter. I fear being labeled a stoner, criminal, slacker, terrorist, and such. I fear persecution for my beliefs. I believe the War on Drugs has gone too far. I believe the added stress and fear levels involved are negatively affecting the American family.
I would like to see a task force or other study to evaluate the numerous ill effects this ‘War’ campaign is having on the American public. I am stressed. I’m afraid to speak up.
If you agree with this statement, please leave a brief comment stating that you agree. I hope to use ONLY THE NUMBER of responses in my plea to the White House soon. Please do not comment if you truly disagree.
Why I quit smoking marijuana and threw out my bong. (and first began writing about it)
Marijuana cured me, but I kept smoking it. Marijuana, Marc Emery's and Jack Herer's courage, and my loving family all helped cure my deep depression. Then I realized that I was remaining silent because of my continued use of it. I simply didn't want to go to jail. I wouldn't be a very effective spokesman/activist from behind bars, would I? When I realized how much bickering and false reporting of the facts was out there on the airwaves, I knew I had to stay well without the medicine and get busy, fearlessly.
Save the planet. Be more than you are. Join me in stopping the lies.
Inform your brain of the truth and speak up about it. Those who do nothing for fear of being found out are only hurting the cause. Doing nothing for any other reason is also irresponsible as a citizen of Earth.
Earth (our home), and our grandchildren need what's in our brain right now. Will we dig it out and give it to them?? or will we just keep wasting time??? the answers are there, in our brains. we need them now!!! please help? The facts are everywhere.
Fortune Magazine is willing to speak up, will we??
To save the planet, what will we do?
Blog about Kanye?
Slam Joe Wilson's server? Donate to his campaign?
Keep wasting our brains on pointless celebrity gossip?
Lose control and disrupt a town hall meeting??
Keep using cuss words in our posts?
Get angry and yell at our flat screen or computer?
Take another toke and try to forget it?
Fix ourselves another tasty beverage?
Pop another pill?
What will you do to spread the truth?
What will our decendants think of us if we waste our brain power on mindless drivel and sit idly by? Our grandchildren and the planet need our help right now. Please help us save Earth. Why not start with learning the truth? Much free tv (and other) news is incomplete or heavily biased with rhetoric these days. I now watch PBS News since I'm stuck on RabbitEars. It's not controlled by corporations who treat you like idiots. PBS is not jammed so full of commercials that they don't have enough time to tell the whole story. And believe it or not, PBS is interesting and exciting! THE TRUTH IS ENTERTAINING!! We are learning so much new stuff about our universe that you will be amazed! I guarantee it! The neatest stuff I have ever seen is online right now for you to watch. NOVA, POV (Point of View), World News like you may have never seen it is right there waiting for you to give a hoot for your planet.
Please help now!! While the wave of change is still moving in the right direction and we have a chance to make a difference, won't you please help now? A beautiful mind is a terrible thing to waste. Your planet and your decendants will be soooo proud of you! If you're still reading this, THANK YOU!
Feel free to copy and paste with Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V. Link to this post. Any non-violent means is necessary and is OK with me. Call it your idea, I don't care, as long as you DO SOMETHING GOOD. Make a difference with your big brain.
Marijuana cured me, but I kept smoking it. Marijuana, Marc Emery's and Jack Herer's courage, and my loving family all helped cure my deep depression. Then I realized that I was remaining silent because of my continued use of it. I simply didn't want to go to jail. I wouldn't be a very effective spokesman/activist from behind bars, would I? When I realized how much bickering and false reporting of the facts was out there on the airwaves, I knew I had to stay well without the medicine and get busy, fearlessly.
Save the planet. Be more than you are. Join me in stopping the lies.
Inform your brain of the truth and speak up about it. Those who do nothing for fear of being found out are only hurting the cause. Doing nothing for any other reason is also irresponsible as a citizen of Earth.
Earth (our home), and our grandchildren need what's in our brain right now. Will we dig it out and give it to them?? or will we just keep wasting time??? the answers are there, in our brains. we need them now!!! please help? The facts are everywhere.
Fortune Magazine is willing to speak up, will we??
To save the planet, what will we do?
Blog about Kanye?
Slam Joe Wilson's server? Donate to his campaign?
Keep wasting our brains on pointless celebrity gossip?
Lose control and disrupt a town hall meeting??
Keep using cuss words in our posts?
Get angry and yell at our flat screen or computer?
Take another toke and try to forget it?
Fix ourselves another tasty beverage?
Pop another pill?
What will you do to spread the truth?
What will our decendants think of us if we waste our brain power on mindless drivel and sit idly by? Our grandchildren and the planet need our help right now. Please help us save Earth. Why not start with learning the truth? Much free tv (and other) news is incomplete or heavily biased with rhetoric these days. I now watch PBS News since I'm stuck on RabbitEars. It's not controlled by corporations who treat you like idiots. PBS is not jammed so full of commercials that they don't have enough time to tell the whole story. And believe it or not, PBS is interesting and exciting! THE TRUTH IS ENTERTAINING!! We are learning so much new stuff about our universe that you will be amazed! I guarantee it! The neatest stuff I have ever seen is online right now for you to watch. NOVA, POV (Point of View), World News like you may have never seen it is right there waiting for you to give a hoot for your planet.
Please help now!! While the wave of change is still moving in the right direction and we have a chance to make a difference, won't you please help now? A beautiful mind is a terrible thing to waste. Your planet and your decendants will be soooo proud of you! If you're still reading this, THANK YOU!
Feel free to copy and paste with Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V. Link to this post. Any non-violent means is necessary and is OK with me. Call it your idea, I don't care, as long as you DO SOMETHING GOOD. Make a difference with your big brain.
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